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Lot in the penol COP 780.000.000 3,714 m2
Lot available in one of the best Parcelations in Eastern COP 810.000.000 3,768 m2
ROAD FRONT LOT COP 800.000.000 3,924 m2
Lote 1-VEREDA EL LLANO, VÍA EL MOSAICO COP 652.913.800 2,967 m2
Lote en Santa Elena COP 652.913.800 2,967 m2
Lote en Santa Elena COP 654.286.600 2,964 m2
Lot for sale Via la esperanza Envigado COP 830.000.000 4,169 m2
Plot in La Ceja for sale COP 750.000.000 3,337 m2
Lot for sale in El Carmen COP 880.000.000 4,495 m2
Lot for sale, La Ceja, El Capiro COP 750.000.000 3,843 m2
Super good lot with very good view COP 650.000.000 3,391 m2
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