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Your chance to have the home of your dreams is here! COP 658.000.000 1,915 m2
BEAUTIFUL LOT TO ENJOY COP 690.000.000 2,000 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 585.658.200 1,698 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 533.590.800 1,547 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 529.420.800 1,557 m2
Lot in subdivision in La Ceja for sale COP 535.000.000 1,580 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 620.051.500 1,851 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 567.131.550 1,693 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 528.767.350 1,578 m2
CESSION OF RIGHTS COP 650.000.000 1,837 m2
Lot with mixed topography COP 581.635.550 1,638 m2
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